By Delilah Nosworthy There are many ways of becoming more organised. First, figure out what “being more organised” means for you and how to order your life so that you feel like you’re in control of your day and not simply a victim of circumstances or running around like a headless chicken. Here are some personal tips you may find useful.
Michael Wood (Ontwerp) shares his insights about why neuromarketing techniques (NMTs) should be used to better market B2B solutions. Read on to see what he has to say about the study of our brain’s reactions to targeted marketing and communication stimuli.
By Michael Wood (edited by Delilah Nosworthy) Data comprises raw observations and little or no context. A dataset is ultimately only a body of quantities and text that may or may not be significant. Find out more about the importance of the bridge between data and information on decision-making.
By Michael Wood (edited by Delilah Nosworthy) Do you believe that it is necessary to create a value proposition? If so, what are the five questions of a useful value proposition?
By Michael Wood (edited by Delilah Nosworthy) Have you ever wondered whether stepping out of your comfort zone is a good idea? Read on to see why Michael Wood does not think it is such a good idea.